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Update on Our Covid Rules fm19/07/21

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Update on Our Covid Rules from 19/07/21:

Our Opening days & times will revert back to normal.

In View of the proposed dropping of most Covid restrictions as of Monday 19th July 2021, the following will apply in our community centre & social club.

Our door entry system will go back on-line over the next week and this will record all persons entering the social club. Can we ask that everyone swipes their card on entering the social club. So you will be able to swipe your card to gain entry. If your card is not working, then ring the bell to gain entry. The guest signing in procedure will revert back to normal.

Members may use the track and trace imaging if they wish.

The wearing of masks will be left to members to decide if they wish to do so. We encourage the wearing of masks when walking around the centre or social club but this will be left to the persons discretion. The social distancing measures will no longer apply but again we ask you to respect others space.

Over the next week screens will still be in place at the bar and more screens will be added as added protection for our staff and members.

Table service will stay in place until we have additional screens in place along all bars, at this point table service will no longer be carried out for bar service and drinks may be purchased at the bar. Again can we ask you to respect others space and to stand aside if someone is trying to purchase drinks at the bar. All members are asked to order drinks where there are screens and these should be used at all times.

We would like to request that members do not congregate at the bar and respect each others space as much as is possible. No bar stalls or seating will be allowed at the bar until further notice.

The hand sanitizing equipment will still be available at the club entrance and elsewhere around the centre and toilet entrances. We would encourage everyone to please use these frequently.

We look forward to you enjoying our facilities in a much more normal way but we ask you to please respect others when in our centre and social club.

Thank you.